Busy Couple of Days at Barra´s Elementary School


The WEP team, above, has been a busy bunch these last few days!

After speaking with the staff at the local elementary school, we were asked to help them put together an earthquake preparedness plan, as well as give a talk on recycling and a first aid workshop. After working with the staff on day 1, we put our plan to the test first thing the next morning doing a full earthquake drill with the entire school.  We couldn`t be happier with how smoothly it all went and the great reception we got from everyone.

We also held a packed surboard ding repair clinic for thel local groms.  Since the clinic, we keep coming across small groups of kids huddled together with face masks on and bits of sandpaper working away on their boards…also great to see.

On the agenda over the weekend is a much-anticipated remote beach cleanup. We have rented a boat for the day and will take a group of local kids along to tidy up the beach and surf a few waves to cool off!

Stay tuned for more pics and updates as we wrap up what has been an amazing trip.


Update From the Water´s Edge in Barra – River Cleanups, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness, Oh My!

It´s been a busy first few days in Barra!  It´s hard to believe we only arrived last Thursday. As soon as we got here, people from all over the community were approaching us to give feedback on the work we did last year and what they would like to see on the agenda this time around.

We have had countless meetings with everyone from the local groms to the school principal and the mayor with the goal of working alongside this great community in the areas of environmental, health and community stewardship. It is energizing to see just how much these folks want to roll up their sleeves to continue to improve what is already a pretty epic place.

We have already done one first aid training session with a few of the folks down at the beach and have been asked to do more in other areas of the community.

We also joined forces with a keen group of  local kids and other community members yesterday on a mission to clean out some of the  garbage building up (causing pollution and mosquito proliferation) along the river – it was a great turnout followed by a WEP-sponsored lunch in the shade down at the beach afterwards.

Later this week we have a full day of activities planned at the school, including sharing first aid information, and talking about emergency preparedness, among other things.

It´s hard to believe but we´ve even found some time to enjoy the beautiful beach and epic waves. The surf has been small but fun for all!

Stay tuned, more updates coming soon!

The WEP Team

Countown is ON: Mexico Here We Come!

A huge shout-out goes to everyone that came to the ‘If By Sea’ fundraiser last week – it was a fantastic evening which will contribute to the work we will be doing in the next few weeks with the folks in Barra de la Cruz.

Thanks to your support, we have some BIG plans for our upcoming trip. Here’s the rundown:

1.  Continue to Build Community Surf Program

Last year, we were able to work with a group of local surfers to develop a community-run surf club, complete with a great quiver of boards thanks to Sitka Surfboards and our other fantastic supporters.  This year, we will work toward establishing a surfing program for primary school kids, which will also be community-run. The focus of this program will be to teach water safety and some basic surfing techniques in a fun and safe environment. We are also going to do beach clean ups,a surfboard ding repair clinic and talk about the importance of keeping hydrated.

2.  Recycling and Environmental Stewardship

Last year, we established a handful of water stations at strategic spots across town.  This year, we will focus on setting up more.  Also on the agenda is to post signage to educate locals and tourists about the importance of reducing plastic waste and other garbage, along with information about the water and recycling stations.

We oversaw the construction of one “recycling station” during our last visit and this year, we hope to see two more of these built this trip.

3.  First Aid

Last year we ran a first aid aid and health clinic and distributed first aid kits to families and community buildings across town.  We are going to continue to develop this

program with the goal of getting  at least another 20 families in the program.

It’s going to be a busy couple of weeks but we can’t wait – Tune in here to the blog and Facebook Page for regular updates on what we’re up to during our travels!

If you’d like to support us, please visit our website for more information or  to make a donation.

Thanks for your ongoing support – stay tuned!